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Distinguished Alumni Nominations
Each year, the Foundation seeks nominations for the Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation Distinguished Alumni Award.
The Foundation established the award in 2014 to honor and recognize alumni who exemplify the values, the tradition, and the successes of Raymore-Peculiar High School, Peculiar High School, or Raymore High School. Their accomplishments will inspire and encourage other students to do the same.
Eligibility requirements
The nominee must be a graduate of Raymore-Peculiar High School, Peculiar High School, or Raymore High School.
A period of ten years must have elapsed between graduation and nomination for induction.
The individual serves as a model of integrity for young people.
The nominee must have made a significant contribution to their community or their field of work, or have been recognized for an outstanding achievement, accomplishment, contribution or act that has had a profound and positive effect.
Any supporting material such as newspaper articles, stories, letters of recommendation, etc. should be submitted with the nomination form. The selection committee will review only the information provided and will not do further research.
Please note: Elected officials may be nominated, but an individual currently running for political office is not eligible for the award.
Nomination/selection procedure
Anyone may nominate a graduate for consideration. All nominees will be notified to accept the nomination and provide a current resume or bio. A nomination form is linked below. The Foundation Alumni Committee will review the nominations and notify both the inductee and the nominator in August. If the nominee is not selected for induction, the nomination form will be kept for one additional year for consideration.
Please feel free to attach a current résumé, articles or newspaper clippings. Any additional information you feel would help the selection committee should be included with the nomination form.
If you are a graduate of Ray-Pec High School, Raymore High School or Peculiar High School, we want to stay in touch with you! Please submit your information for our Alumni Rolls. As the database grows, we can help find classmates for reunions and share information about the Foundation and School District.
Show your Ray-Pec pride by ordering your very own Ray-Pec Alumni shirt!
Shirts are $20 for T-shirt sizes S-XL. (Larger sizes are an additional cost).